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Showing posts from November, 2018

Ted Talk Home Edition - Agile Learner

In English it is a little bit easy to realize what agile learner is all about, so I am going to make this article first in Romanian and maybe in the near future in English - just to keep the habit of this internationally known blog.  Asa ca, despre ce e vorba cand auzim si discutam despre Agile Learner?! O sa abordez situatia punctual si pe sistem de intrebari: 1. Ce inseamna agile learner? Un om cu o minte deschisa, cu un apetit constant fata de informatia noua, fata de orice provocare, fata de aproape orice domeniu de activitate.   Definitia nu este din DEX sau din vreun alt dictionar tradus, este definitia pe care eu o acord acestui termen. 2. Ce motivatie are un agile learner? Motivatia sta in atitudinea pro-activa vis-a-vis de procesul insusi de invatare care il inspira in mod constant si flexibilitatea exprimata prin dorinta de a avea succes in cat mai multe domenii.  Intervalul de timp de care are nevoie pentru a isi insusi elemen...

The Romanian Halloween or the night when you can talk to your dead grandparents

Romania has it`s own soul-based party on the 30th of November. It is happening under St. Andrew day and it`s a riot. St. Andrew is known to be the guardian of the Romanian people and the man who taught us the Christianity way. It involves garlic, a lot of garlic, bread, holly water, candles, the holly cross, onions, wheat, and other evil combinations of all the above! There are a lot of legends around this "black-holiday" in which we all can be attacked by ghosts and dead people spirits, and all of them are native. Until now, a lot of people were doing various magical-rituals just to be safe. Them, the house and the animals near them( in our days we can translate this into pets :). A little bit late, on this day we were able some-how to communicate with the spirits from the world of death. Another cute thing to know about our grand-grand-grand fathers :))....they were sorcerers :)) All the single ladies( singles and virgins - it`s a must) could find out something about ...

To feedback or not to feedback!?

About 2 hours ago, my first team-building ended. And it was all fine until the last panel: feedback. This is the only thing that can go so wrong! But this time was something different. The two day workshop went dandy and all of us were looking forward to our flight back-home. Next, the issue pops: “please, we have to give feedback to one another!” So, we are 6 colleagues, our leader included, and here it goes: first one is done and we survived. I choose to talk next and I do it my way, straight-forward but with a little bit of precaution still. I had the situation under control and chose to say it all, pro’s and con's and what I considered that should be improved. I mentioned that we were 6, but I did not told you that I am the only man in the group. So, with that out of the way, we continue to listen to the other 4 co-workers. Female vs other female, woman-leader vs woman-employee, one on one, stay strong, oh my god, emotions vs nervous states of mind! It is this r...

Airplane jokes - inside the airplane, not in the airport!

You know that row of seats in the airplane that are placed near the emergency exits? As you get those seats, you get a lot of responsibilities during the flight. You have to be vigilant and very very careful. It doesn’t matter if you are nervous or it is your first time flying, because it is going to get worse once the flight crew approaches and starts explaining that there are separate instructions just for you. If and only if, in the highly unlikely situation of one dangerous situation during the flight you have to take action - who knows, you just might be the next Bruce Willis, saving everyone - you have to rotate the safety wheel and push harder on the emergency door to knock it down. But wait, when you have the door opened you don’t just jump off and run away, nooo! You are also being told by the crew that you have to help them to evacuate the all the passengers that are seated near your emergency door - see, actually you are the door master and the savior of the poor ...

Those 2 hours in a day, a week, one year

New house bought, a bank loan that needs to be paid, a dog in the yard, one old car in front of the house that keeps on going like a charm, a "half big pay-check". Let us compare to: house, loan, yes pet/no pet, car, "big pay-check". It sounds really good and at first glance that is a definitely YES, I WANT THIS!! But do you? Leave for the office at 8:30 AM, work work work until....and now it gets tricky and things move in two directions. One direction is that in which you can work until 06:00 PM and half an hour later to park in front of your home and get busy doing home things and all other types of things you do outside your work-life. Eventually you end-up in front of the Netflix screen when you browse shit for 30 minutes and fall asleep. The other direction is that in which you work until God knows when, let`s translate God`s hour into 8:00 PM but you feel that your big success every month is that 5 figure pay-check you discover in your Internet banking app ...

Book City Life

How many other story books for children can we come up with? How many? I was today at the international book fest in Bucharest - Gaudeamus . I went there just for a special event held by Vellant Publishing House . I was there a little bit earlier and while browsing trough the publishers expo corners I realised that there are so many story books for children that even I, as a grown up and a future father, did not know what to choose. For me to be sure that one story book is suitable for a small child I have to read it before :). I know that in my childhood we had some story books and ended-up learning them as a poem. The Forest Fairy-Tale, Mother, The Beautiful Flowers, Catrina and the Giant Nap, The Story Alphabet, The Boat with the Peacock Tale, The Small King, The Summer Story, The Spring Story, etc. - those are my translations in English of the Romanian version - I know, as you  do, that the proper names do not translate - but I did id for your amusement. All those titles so...

Cuj-Napoca check mate on Bucharest!

Have you ever been in Bucharest? Probably you have. Have you ever been in Cluj-Napoca? Again, you have. Both cities are very beautiful with their own characteristics taking in consideration the geographical area they are in, the people they live in, the public administration and the tourist magnet. My concern and question is next: Why is that every major sport event in Romania has moved to Cluj-Napoca?! I have a few ideas and not in favor for Bucharest! 1. Bucharest is so caught up in the Old Town effect  - that one party place in Bucharest where every people gets hammered, fucked, stolen or beaten. Not all in one night and the order of things happening is random :) The fellows at  might get you one table at every dinner, restaurant, pub, bar, club in the Old Town if you access the platform they built.  2. Cluj-napoca is not so dominated by political fights - and they got time to think about something else. 3. Bucharest is so caught up i...

To all retailers out there!

I like women, I like shopping for clothes, I dislike trying on things and I hate most of the clothing stores! As James Brown sang, it is a man world....yeah right! When it comes to clothes for men the situation quickly shifts around. It is not that really a problem but still, how does one store manager lays out all the women merchandise all over the store and for us, James Brown's "people", we get a corner of the whole GLA of the store near the changing cabins and with a lot fewer models?! I noticed this pattern years ago and now I just have to speak out about it, because of my last encounter just a few days ago while trying to get some trousers. Oh man, oh boy, as I entered one store that has a two letter name with & in the middle I tried to identify the men sector. After skipping all the ladies signs, in the right corner there they were. Just two shelves with 20 pairs of trousers at most. A few shirts, a few t-shirts, ties and one pair of boots :) Chances are...

Invisible safety ropes and..slippers!

Everyone wants a place to call home. Everyone goes to the bank to get a loan for that place. Everyone waits for the building to be finished.  But not everyone knows by who is built. You just get the name of the company that is selling you the place. Now, I Know! By these guys Maybe they are doing a really god job, but where is the safety feature in this?! I know for sure that they realize that is pretty dangerous to work on a 10 floor building just in they're street clothes. Next to my office is a huge residential space in construction - as you can see. They ask for a 3 bedroom flat over 90.000 euros + VAT and they let those people work like this. I am not going to investigate this because I am aware of the answers I will get: "They have all the safety equipment but they do not use it, i don`t know why?" or "I tried to convince them because i really care about my people!" . I don`t actually buy this crap and that`s why I just want to criticise all the c...

When someone forgets his job duties!

Recruiters, those individuals that really want to help you and the other kind that forget about follow-up! Friday, 9th of November 2018 i get this message from a human resource department of a company that has a 3 letter name that starts with A. Being active on this network and having the push notifications on, i receive the message and i answer. My answer is a negative one but with a point of view. Taking advantage of this message i try to recommend a friend with high skills in sales and SSM (securitate şi sănătate la locul de muncă) - Safety and Health at Work applications. Long story short, that one recruiter did not gave me any feedback!!! Now the good example. That recruiter that really wants to help another fellow. I am talking about a recruiting agency that stands as a republic :) . from the first telephone call i felt like it was good thing, and it was. I appreciated the process and all went splendid. pus a box of candy delivered to my new office. Now that`s my kind of peo...

A Night at the Museum with Becks

Am fost la lansarea celor mai noi patru tipuri de bere Becks. Ce am văzut acolo? In primul rând un Muzeu de Artă Recentă , oameni, tot felul de oameni si bere, bere buna din 4 colturi ale lumii - sa ne imaginam ca Anglia e un colt, Irlanda e altul, Germania al treilea colt si Australia ultimul colt. Stiati ca exista somelieri de bere? O echipa de 4 specialisti, nu stiu daca erau condusi de Virgil Manescu , dar el a vorbit foarte frumos de bere. A povestit ca berea a fost descoperita de egipteni drept paine uda fermentata care ii facea pe egipteni euforici!!  Si de aici, in 1516 in Germania s-a pus bazele unei retete pe care orice berar trebuie sa o respecte daca vrea sa fie in rand cu Legea Germana a Puritatii !  Becks Romania a facut toate astea posibile alaturi de niste profesionisti si mai ales cu ajutorul nostru, celor carora le place berea altfel. Altfel prezentata si altfel servita. De un somelier.  Am stat de vorba cu unul din cei 4 baieti cu manusi albe care au ...