We are less than 1 week from electing our next president...and nothing happens! And I mean nothing, no rallies, no demonstrations(peacefull ones), no nothing. Not even political debates between the candidates. Which, excuse me, are the worst I have ever seen since I got 18 and starting voting.
We have our Romanian-german friend and president at the moment, Klaus Johannis - the silent guy.
We have our puppet from the social-democrat side, Viorica Dancila - the stupid kid that got rid of her freak-control father - now in jail, Liviu Dragnea.
We have the new-comer, the new-European guy that wants Romania back in the saddle - Dan Barna, let us put him as a favourite for the open-minded voters.
And we have other figures from the acting stage to the business class that just entered this race for no real reason. Just to be against the system and to steal some votes from the other candidates - some of them actually said that this is the reason why :( I will not mention their names not being important and relevant to this post.
Going back to the first 3 candidates and the story behind this election campaign that is not really taking place in Romania. If you are not interested in politics, you will not see debates on TV, you will not hear a clear dialogue between the candidates at the Radio Station, you will not see the glued on posters on the bus shelter near your house. You will just be surprised when you see at the local news station that you have to vote today :)
But if you do care about a big thing that comes one time in 5 years, you really have to dig something out about each candidate just to see who to vote in the end. Even about the actual president, Klaus Johannis, we realise now that the last 5 years went by really fast and if we try to make a list of the things he did...well, it is pretty hard. Let us see what the future brings :)
Number two candidate, Viorica Dancila, actually there is nothing to say about her because everyone hates her, just because of the stupidity she is able to show on TV, in the speeches, in the interviews -she actually is that little stupid friend in the gang that wants to show off and gets slapped a lot. With frustration, now that she is ex-prim minister, she announced running for the presidency...ha ha ha :)
So, number three candidate, Dan Barna, the new man, the man that has to beat the silent guy. Well, we thought that is going to be one easy task, but Klaus has Viorica Dancila in between and wants her to get in the second round of elections. It is a simple and straight strategy that Klaus is following. Choosing the weaker candidate to run against. Dan Barna could be that person who can try making Romania a better place to be. As everyone should do as a president!!!
We can vote for the most likeable and taking into consideration some of the actions they made before as political actors. But we can not do that if there are no direct - live - debates so that every Romanian citizen could understand where are we now as a country and where should we be in the next 5 years. Only big giant posters on the out-door media panels throughout the country. All other campaign-related actions and presentations are missing. The only channel we can get our Infos is the TV, the media that can several times be very very dangerous side-taking. As you all have in your country, also in Romania we have multiple TV stations that can and will take the side of one of the candidates. And they go along until the end!! This is not a good political spirit, talking about your favourite candidate and talking trash about the others.
But anyway, we have little time to decide who will be our next president. It will be a second-round voting session because it is all part of the strategy. In the second round will be the big fight, but between whom?! The silent guy - the actual president - is going on stealth mode letting the two others to neutralize each other hoping that in the second round will fight against the little stupid kid Viorica.
That`s a sure win for Klaus Johannis!
If somehow Dan Barna manages to get by one vote in front of Viorica Dancila, we should have a nice clean fight for every vote in the country. Yes, I said clean, because, the main source of corruption in the elections is eradicated for a few months now - Liviu Dragnea as head of the social democrat party.
Until now, the elections in Romania would have been the subject of direct - bloody debates between the candidates. With real action going on every single minute. Everyone would attack everyone, every bad piece of news would be escalated to the maximum, just in case someone would crack under the pressure.
At this moment, Klaus is playing cool, having the first chance, taking no risks. He is well thought. Viorica is going out and loud. Dan Barna is trying to follow and overtake with the gentleman's approach.
GO VOTE!!!!!
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