So, I wrote a couple of things about the $ and the € and
today I wondered about one specific thing. Why almost 92% of the faces on the
banknotes are of men and only 8% of women?
I thought of this because Romania
takes in consideration to join the € party (switching from LEI to €)
from 2024 which is not a good thing for us, making us to look even poorer
:) 1€=4.6 LEI !! The second thing that made me to write about this is
that in Romania people are disgusted of coins, using most of the time
Coins in Romania are not like €
cents, but more like $ cents - small and insignificant :)
On the other side, € coins
are valuable, 2 coins of 5 € each are 10 LEI: a cab fare, a lunch at
the office, a bike rental for 24 hours, a phone charger that you can acquire at
the traffic lights, etc.
Banknotes, the people`s
weapon/aid in life. We all know more or less about our history heroes,
including female-heroes - yes, there is a lot of women-power in the books and
that`s about it. Most of the countries prefer to put dead men on the
banknotes instead of women. In Romania we do not have female faces on our
banknotes as well as many other countries, until now! I discovered this:,
and it is mind blowing in the good way!
Here you can sign the on-line
petition in which you can choose your favourite female character from the
Romania history to be placed on the new 10 LEI banknote. Until now, after 20444
votes, Queen Mary is in the lead, followed by Queen Elisabeth and on the 3rd
spot is Ana Aslan!!! You go girls !!
I will take my vote after this
is posted :)
OK, queens are queens and they
deserve it, but who is Ana
Aslan? - I know but you don`t, so I am going to tell you! Long story short
she came up with the GEROVITAL H3 treatment that used to be bought by, hold on
to your seats, John F. Kennedy, Salvador Dali, Charles de Gaulle and many other
iconic figures. Women deserve to be on banknotes, of course they do, so
Australia is doing the next best thing by choosing a creative solution. They
decided to put a man on one side and a woman on the other side. This is going somewhere
but it is to little in the whole 195 countries that are on this planet.
Looking back in the history of
the world there are a lot of women that made big changes / progress /
If somehow GOD is a woman, I
hope that she will be very kind to all of us! :)
P.S: Also in America they are
discussing to put one iconic women figure on the 10$ bill. But like in America,
they say something today and DO something tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow,
or the next year, by 2020.
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